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contoh kalimat industri teknik

"industri teknik" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • ISO GB Polycrystalline Diamond Cutting Tools For Mechanical Industry
    ISO GB Polycrystalline Berlian Cutting Tools Untuk Industri Teknik
  • Cantilever 300 - 1000KG Industrial Racking Systems steel for Mechanical industry
    Kantilever 300 - baja 1000kg Industri Sistem Racking untuk industri Teknik
  • First, the Nobel Prize-winning discovery of restriction enzymes gave birth to the genetic engineering industry.
    Pemenang Penghargaan Nobel untuk penemuan enzim restriksi menghasilkan industri teknik genetika.
  • Send Your Enquiries to Sindutama Industri Teknik about installation of the automation system
    Kirim Pertanyaan Anda ke Sindutama Industri Teknik mengenai pemasangan sistem automasi
  • Power Transmission Lines Towers Industrial Steel Buildings General Contractor For Industrial Engineering
    Menara Transmisi Tenaga Listrik Bangunan Baja Industri Kontraktor Umum Untuk Industri Teknik
  • Siko engineering is a Jakarta based Industrial Plant Engineering firm, established in 1995 with...
    Siko engineering Perusahaan Tanaman Industri Teknik perusahaan yang berbasis di Jakarta, didi...
  • And power generation, chemical and oil, shipping, automotive, mold, electronics and mechanical engineering industrial sectors.
    dan pembangkit listrik, kimia dan minyak, pengiriman, otomotif, cetakan, elektronik dan sektor industri teknik mesin.
  • Widely used in agricultural machinery, elevator industry,steel construction, fitness equipment,light pole fabrication, mechanical engineering industries,etc.
    Banyak digunakan dalam mesin pertanian, industri lift, konstruksi baja, peralatan kebugaran, fabrikasi tiang lampu, industri teknik mesin, dll.
  • This is basically where the automobile was invented and the majority of the mechanical engineering industry of Germany is domiciled.
    Ini pada dasarnya adalah di mana mobil diciptakan dan mayoritas industri teknik mesin dari Jerman berdomisili.
  • An industry first, revolutionary spraying technique combines spraying (on the top) and optical coating (at the bottom).
    Sebagai yang pertama di industri, teknik penyemprotan yang revolusioner mengkombinasikan penyemprotan (pada bagian atas) dan lapisan optik (pada bagian bawah).
  • 2.Its product is widely used in petroleum, building, farming and chemical engineering industry, keep warm piping and other piping.
    2. produknya secara luas digunakan dalam minyak bumi, bangunan, pertanian dan industri teknik kimia, menjaga pipa hangat dan pipa lainnya.
  • And power generation, chemical and oil, shipping, automotive, mold, electronics and mechanical engineering industrial sectors.
    dalam pembuatan alat pemotong, pisau, gunting, peralatan medis, aerospace, energi dan pembangkit listrik, kimia dan minyak, pelayaran, otomotif, cetakan, elektronik, dan sektor industri teknik mesin.
  • G-1 is mainly used in engineering geological exploration and construction for highway, bridge, dam, and civil, industrial, national defence engineering,as well.
    G-1 terutama digunakan dalam eksplorasi geologi rekayasa dan konstruksi untuk jalan raya, jembatan, bendungan, dan sipil, industri, teknik pertahanan nasional, juga.
  • Cachan IUT has over 900 students, apprentices, and further education trainees in Electrical Engineering, Industrial Computing, Mechanical Engineering and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing.
    Cachan IUT memiliki lebih 900 siswa, magang, dan trainee pendidikan lebih lanjut di Teknik Elektro, Komputasi industri, Teknik Mesin dan Komputer Terintegrasi Manufacturing.
  • LYA focus on providing OEM manufacturing service to customer.Our development team is specialized in industrial design ,engineering,user interface,prototyping and high technology design.
    LYA fokus pada penyediaan layanan manufaktur OEM untuk tim pengembangan customer.Our khusus dalam desain industri, teknik, user interface, prototyping dan desain teknologi tinggi.
  • Established in 1949, Atlas Copco Canada has leading positions in sales, service and marketing of air and gas compressors, portable compressors, generators, construction equipment and assembly systems.
    Atlas Copco di Indonesia memiliki 4 fokus area bisnis diantaranya Teknik Kompresor, Teknik Industri, Teknik Konstruksi dan Teknik Vakum.聽
  • Over 3 teams form our design department, with rich experience in the areas of optics, thermodynamics, industrial design, electrical engineering, information engineering, the arts, ect.
    Lebih dari 3 tim membentuk departemen desain kami, dengan pengalaman yang kaya dalam bidang optik, termodinamika, desain industri, teknik elektro, teknik informasi, seni, dll.
  • Over 3 teams form our design department, with rich experience in the areas of optics, thermodynamics, industrial design, electrical engineering, information engineering, the arts, ect.
    Lebih dari 3 tim membentuk departemen desain kami, dengan pengalaman yang kaya di bidang optik, termodinamika, desain industri, teknik elektro, teknik informasi, seni, dll.
  • Our products help customers to achieve sustainable productivity in a wide range of markets, including general engineering, manufacturing and process industries, construction, automotive, electronics, oil and gas, and much more.
    Atlas Copco di Indonesia memiliki 4 fokus area bisnis diantaranya Teknik Kompresor, Teknik Industri, Teknik Konstruksi dan Teknik Vakum.聽
  • Atlas Copco in Ukraine handles the sales and service of compressor technique, construction equipment and portable energy. The company has Head Office in Kiev. Technical support is provided all over Ukraine.
    Atlas Copco di Indonesia memiliki 4 fokus area bisnis diantaranya Teknik Kompresor, Teknik Industri, Teknik Konstruksi dan Teknik Vakum.聽
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